
Wednesday 19 August 2020



I had to answer some questions that my teacher have given me.

Tuesday 18 August 2020

What will future me do

 What will the future me do

When I finished college I always thought of getting a job or traveling around the world but since I need money to travel around the world I got a job first.

 I always thought of getting an office job just because I was gonna sit there all day and just do my job. but I wanted to be active while doing my job because just sitting there is gonna be boring.

 So I think the best job for me is a moving job since I can move big boxes and heavy stuff for people and stay active as well. 

But I should really go to university so I can go to better jobs and have a higher chance of getting into those better jobs and get all that MONEY

When I get a good paying job I’ll get a house with a dog named Talu and maybe get to travel around the world like I always wanted to. I can try and be a part of my family’s fundraiser and watch movies or make lava’s or make those flower hats.

The future me would probably be doing some volunteer work just to experience what it’s like to have a job. But I have some high hopes for me in the future, I can feel that the future me can be successful. I will try my best to do the best for me, my friends and my family for the best life in the future. 


Monday 3 August 2020

Week in review

My schools new bike track finally opened last week and everybody in school can ride their bikes now, some students got chosen to race with Steward Campbell is an Olympic champion who has won multiple medals. Some of Stewards friends went on their bikes and did some wheelies on the bike track which were very cool to watch.

My school has been practicing cross country for the king and queen of the mountain. We have been laps around the bike track until it is lunch time.

Tread lightly caravan arrived at my school to teach us how to save look after our earth. There were 5 stations, the 1 station was about which electronic device took up the most electricity, the 2nd station was about phones and that phones has deadly chemicals that could kill the environment, the 3rd station was about which piece of rubbish belonged in which rubbish bin, the 4th station was about compost and the 5th station was a survey.

This is what me and my class did last week it was fun and I liked it.